Bracknell Forest Council Logo



The purpose of this Constitution is to set out with clarity for the benefit of Councillors, officers, members of the public and anybody who may have dealings with the Council:-

·                     the structure of the Council

·                     who has responsibility for making decisions on behalf of the Council

·                     arrangements which the Council has for review and scrutiny decisions made by it

·                     the processes and procedures to be followed in making and/or scrutinising and reviewing decisions of the Council

·                     the Protocols which govern the conduct of Councillors and officers

·                     the rights of citizens in relation to the Council

In fulfilling those aims the Constitution will support:-

·                     the Council in providing a clear leadership to the community of Bracknell Forest, in partnership with its citizens, businesses, the voluntary sector and other organisations

·                     the active involvement of citizens in the process of the Council decision-making

·                     Councillors in representing their constituents effectively

·                     the efficient and effective taking of decisions

·                     the holding of decision-makers to public account

The Constitution comprises the following parts:



Page No


Part 1 - The Structure of the Council



1.         Section 1 - Overview

1 - 2



2.         Section 2 - Members of the Council

3 - 4



3.         Section 3 - The Council Meeting

5 - 6



4.         Section 4 - The Executive

7 - 8



5.         Section 5 - Regulatory and Other Committees

9 - 10



6.         Section 6 - Champions

11 - 12



7.         Section 7 - Joint Arrangements

13 - 14



8.         Section 8 - Officers' Roles and Statutory Officer Functions

15 - 18



Part 2 - Responsibility for Decisions



9.         Section 1 - Introduction

19 - 20



10.      Section 2 - Responsibility for Local Choice Functions

21 - 22



11.      Section 3 - Functions of the Council

23 - 24



12.      Section 4 - Responsibility for Non-Executive Functions

25 - 32



13.      Section 5 - Responsibility for Executive Functions

33 - 42



14.      Section 6 - Powers Exercisable by Officers

43 - 48



15.      Table 1 - Delegation to Officers

49 - 62



Part 3 - Overview & Scrutiny



16.      Section 1 - Introduction

63 - 64



17.      Section 2 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission

65 - 66



18.      Section 3 - Overview & Scrutiny Panels

67 - 68



19.      Section 4 - Conduct of Proceedings

69 - 70



Part 4 - The Way in which the Council Operates



20.      Section 1 - Introduction

71 - 72



21.      Section 2 - Principles of Decision Making

73 - 76



22.      Section 3 - Council Procedure Rules

77 - 94



23.      Annex - Scheme for Public Participation at Meetings of the Council

95 - 100



24.      Annex - Overview and Scrutiny Public Participation Scheme

101 - 104



25.      Annex - Guidance for Filming, Audio-Recording, Photographing and Using Social Media at Council and Committee Meetings

105 - 106



26.      Annex - Remote meetings protocol and procedure rules

107 - 112



27.      Section 4 - Committee Procedure Rules

113 - 128



28.      Annex  - Rules of debate diagram

129 - 130



29.      Section 5 - Access to Information Procedure Rules

131 - 142



30.      Section 6 - Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules

143 - 148



31.      Section 7 - Executive Procedure Rules

149 - 152



32.      Section 8 - Protocol for Executive Decision Making by Members under Executive Arrangements

153 - 160



33.      Section 9 - Overview & Scrutiny Procedure Rules

161 - 170



34.      Section 10 - Financial Regulations

171 - 244



35.      Section 11 - Contract Standing Orders

245 - 256



36.      Section 12 - Officer Employment Procedure Rules

257 - 262



37.      Section 13 - Code of Conduct for Members and Co-Opted Members

263 - 272



38.      Section 14 - Employees' Code of Conduct

273 - 284



39.      Section 15 - Member and Officer Protocol

285 - 298



40.      Section 16 - Protocol for Members in Dealing with Planning Matters

299 - 308



41.      Section 17 - Legal Proceedings Etc

309 - 310



42.      Section 18 - Leader and Chief Executive Protocol

311 - 314



Part 5 - Citizens and the Council



43.      Citizens and the Council

315 - 316



Part 6 - Members' Allowances



44.      Members' Allowances

317 - 328



45.      Schedule 1 - Special Responsibility Allowances

329 - 330



46.      Schedule 2 - Approved Duties for Travel and Subsistence Allowances

331 - 332



47.      Schedule 3 - Approved Conferences

333 - 334



Part 7 - Review, Revision, Suspension, Interpretation and Publication of the Constitution



48.      Review, Revision, Suspension, Interpretation and Publication of the Constitution

335 - 336
